Shakedown Cruise Day Three

On day three, we went: around in circles. We got up in a good time for our weather window, started our pre-trip checks, and discovered that the crazy winds during the night had blown a line overboard. We couldn't retrieve it, and suspected the line was wrapped around the prop. 
We had no cell service to reach our mentors, but managed a text to Ben Carey. We had taken sailing/cruising lessons from him in October  (Morse Alpha Expeditions. We couldn't recommend them enough), and had kept in touch. We suspected that with all the circles around our anchor, that we had the line around the prop. Ben confirmed our suspicions, and said we needed to clear the line. 
Who gets to go into the 56° water with a four knot current and six inches of visibility? Well, me. Brrrr.

Steve and Cindy wanted to wait until the tide was at a minimum speed before I went in. We had plenty of projects to keep us busy, so we worked until 13:00, and I cut the line off in about nine dives. It's a bummer we didn't have our diving grear on board yet.


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